Fluufff (Belgium) Reg Open

They have what most consider in the US a rather odd way of handing badges. A lot is tied to your room at the main hotel. In Europe about 50% of the cons do this.

Day ticket

Do you want to experience our fluffy event but have no need for accommodation? We have just the thing for you! We offer convention tickets for any given day, the full event, or weekend tickets.

Day tickets include:

  • Con area access
  • Access to all events of the chosen day(s)

Please note that day tickets allow you to stay from the first planned event, until the end of the last one.

1 day€ 30€ 40€ 40€ 40
Weekend€ 60
Full Con€ 150

Note: Day ticket sales will open in Summer.


Do you like our event and want to support Flüüfff to ensure we can keep on improving your experience in the future? Consider becoming a sponsor!

The sponsor pack includes:

  • Convention t-shirt
  • Custom badge art
  • Custom lanyard
  • Some bonus goodies
  • Our eternal gratitude
ItemT-shirtSponsor packParking ticket*
Price€ 15€ 35€ 13 / day
You can where some cons add stuff like tees and Sponsor items as an add on.

Full details here


AnthrOhio Pride

AnthrOhio 2024: Purranormal


Our next Gallery Hop Furwalk will be June 1st at 6:30pm. This is the start of PRIDE month, so everyone is encouraged to wear your PRIDE paraphernalia or PRIDE flags. More info about the walk can be found in the alt-text. http://AnthrOhio.org

Furry Weekend Atlanta 2024 #Numbers

15,021 OF YOU JOINED US FOR #FWA2024!!!



Now, we hope you’re excited for #FWA2025 FUTUREPUNK! Have a fun, and safe Sunday night!!

Editor’s Note

This year FWA attendance jumped by 5000, it only missed MFF record by 526

All the Best Moments from NordicFuzzCon 2024 Fursuiter-Parade in Malmö 🎉✨🐾 Furries, Fursuiters, Furs

Big Announcement

Well I admit plans had to be changed because of things. I know I said originally I was going to Mephit Fur Meet. But things did not work out on my end. So that left me scrambling.

But then like Karma stepped in and things made it possible to go to Furry Migration. Yes I am going, everything is set. Room at the main hotel, badge purchased and travel plans set.

This entire journey will be filled with FIRSTS. This will be my very 1st time in Minneapolis as well as Minnesota. If that wasn’t enough Amtrak started a new route from Chicago to St. Paul called the Borealis. Cafe, wifi for the entire trip and a new train.

And there is something I have been debating ever since I discovered it. Just 8 blocks from the hotel is the area’s light rail that runs directly to Union Station for now get this $2. Still hadn’t decided on taking it. Maybe for my return journey, but will take an Uber once I get there.

So there will be a lot to talk about.

Did you know that Furry Migration is on 3 different floors of the hotel? Thank goodness they have escalators… which could make for some interesting videos. Speaking of which I plan on making 10 videos, like I did during Indy Fur Con. If you happened to look at the video count? OMFG one video alone has 20k views. That is going to happen, possibly more. But I have to wait to their schedule is posted so I can figure things out.

But I will be reporting on things, everything from my trip, the hotel, the works.

This is going to be a wild ride.


Here is something that might surprise Furry Migration regulars. Got from a staff member that the convention is moving to the 1st and 2nd floors of the hotel. Meaning more space and a different layout. Also there will be an Accessibility table where a volunteer will hand out Blue Stickers. So it is like IFC no one at this point is quite sure where everything is going to be.

Rochester Pride Romp

Come visit downtown Rochester on Saturday, May 18th for a romp during Rochester Pride! We’ll be mingling in the park for a bit before going for a wander down to Peace Plaza for photos! For more information: https://mnfurs.org/MNFurs_Talk/event/rochester-pride-romp/